Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

Unexplained Feeling

Have you ever feel that "unexplained feeling?" It feels like you're sad but you know that you can't be sad. You want to be happy but you know that it's not easy. Yeah, I feel it right now.

Or, have you ever love someone so badly? You just love that person without any reasons. You just feel like you're "click" with that person and you couldn't replace him/her with any other persons.

Yes, I also feel it right now. I do really love someone right now. It's hard for me to face a day without him because he became a part of my life.

Honestly, me and him face a hard problem right now. I was shocking out when I knew about this problem.

I couldn't explain the problem here but I guarantee you that this problem really broke my heart. I couldn't believe that we face the hardest problem in our life.

I know that God allowed us to face this problem because He knows that we could face it together. 

I would do anything just to support him. I would pray so hard everyday for him so God will always take care of him.

I will always waiting for that day when he comes back and I will hug him so tightly when he comes back to me.

I really don't know what to do right now. All that I could do is just be patient and support him with all of my heart and with all of my pray.

I love him. I swear to God that I do really love him so much. May God hears all of my pray for him.

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